Thursday, December 1, 2011

TechKNOWLEDGEy Tips: 20 x 20

Do you ever feel that your presentations have fallen into a rut? You're always doing that same old thing? Perhaps you have chosen to rely on the comfortable relationship you have with your overhead projector. Perhaps you've flirted a little with other presentation platforms like Prezi. But, in the end when it comes to technology, you always come back to the familiarity of PowerPoint.

This is where I'd like to introduce you to Pecha Kucha: Have you heard of it?

In a nutshell, Pecha Kucha was invented by some architects in Japan who wanted to use a presentation space, had a limited amount of time, and had a lot of presenters who needed to share ideas. They created the 20 x 20 format: 20 slides, 20 seconds each. Presenters have 6 minutes and 40 seconds to get out the information....and then they're done.

Click here for an extended history of Pecha Kucha (right click on the link and choose "Open link in a new window" so that you don't get lost), but make sure to come back to see how it can be used in an educational environment.

I'll wait......



....You back? Good!

Cool, huh?

Now watch this video. It's an example of the potential of Pecha Kucha in education.

So, some of the cool things I got out of this:
  1. As a teacher, I could use this to introduce a topic and then have time to work with my students.
  2. As a presenter, I have to be concise in my choices and make sure that what I put on the screen really assists me make my point instead of allowing the audience a chance to get totally lost in all the words.
  3. If we were to do this during Staff Development days, we could get a lot of information!!! and no one presenter would feel left out.
  4. I could teach my students this format to present in class and know how many presentations I can get through during one class period.
  5. The format can be modified if needed....
  6. This is a great stepping stone to PODCASTS!!!
Do you want more examples of Pecha Kucha? Of course you here. Think about it. You can do this!

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