Monday, September 30, 2013

Going Google (Without Going Crazy) - Vol 2, Issue 3

This issue contains tips regarding:
  • Boomerang for Calendar
  • Canned Responses
  • ... What's Hiddon in Your Reply

Friday, September 27, 2013

Getting IT Right @ CeVMS: Student GAFE Accounts

This year in Round Rock, all students in grades 2-12 (whose parents didn't opt-out) have been provided a Student Google Apps for Education (GAFE) Account. With these accounts, students have the ability to create content within Google Drive, collaborate with peers and teachers, manage events through the calendar, organize content through different Chrome and Google App features, and access their content/files from any computer with internet access. By using a Google Apps for Education account, the district has the ability to easily manage accounts and filter appropriate content based on students' ages and group  (for things like: share settings, email, chat, app store availability). As part of this district initiative, Cedar Valley students have gone through a training on how to access their Student GAFE accounts and the RRISD acceptable use policy with Ms. Kincaid, the campus Instructional Technology Specialist.

Hopefully, we'll see many more instances this year on the blog where students have utilized their GAFE accounts to create something spectacular! Stay tuned for updates.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

TechKNOWLEDGEy Tips: Photo Peach

This week's Tech Tool. What are some ways that you can use this in your classroom? Please comment with ideas.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Going Google (Without Going Crazy) - Vol 2, Issue 2

The latest Going Google is available - Boomerang for Gmail and Chrome extensions and apps - Tab Scissors, Tab Glue and Incredible Start Page.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Getting IT Right @ CeVMS: Art Critique

Ms. O'Leary's art classes are taking Art Critique to a whole new technological level. They are looking at art via a Padlet wall. Here's what Ms. O'Leary says about the ongoing project:

"Students are assigned one week were they are in charge of finding and submitting that week's art work, which everyone else will look at. Lots of students have told me how they have a folder on their computer or images saved on their phone because they are so excited about showcasing a specific artist they love or type of art they enjoy. I count off for grammar as well so I think that is helping with their overall sentence structuring. Some students will comment off of another students' comment which is great because it really creates a sense of conversation." 

Here is the link to visit her walls. Remember, this is an ongoing project so check back regularly to see new art and critiques.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

TechKNOWLEDGEy Tips: Reel Surfer

Click on the picture to go to the tutorial. What are some of the ways that Reel Surfer could be used in your classroom. Comment with your ideas.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Going Google (Without Going Crazy) - Volume 2, Issue 1

Click on the picture to go to the Going Google Newsletter.

This issue includes tips on: 
  • Deleting Users from Chrome
  • Finding Time in Calendar
  • Pinning Tabs and customizing Bookmarks

  • TechKNOWLEDGEy Tips: YouTube Time Machine

    Welcome back! Tech Tuesday is back in business.

    Here's a great resource that will take you back in time...literally...or well, at least through online video resources. Check it out! There are tons of uses for a tool like this--if you think of specifics, leave a comment!