Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Getting I.T. Right @ CeVMS!: 6th Grade ELA

The 6th Grade ELA teachers teamed up with Wallwisher/Padlet to create an easy way for their students to turn in, publish, and present work.

Ms. Goldenberg, one of four 6th grade ELA teachers, elaborates on the project:

"My students did a really nice job creating flyers and newsletters in Microsoft Publisher and then posting them on my Wallwisher walls. This was a really necessary lesson for them because they learned how to use Publisher, change file types for posting, and create pie charts. All of the grade 6 LA teachers did this project, and I'm sure they had good results as well."

Check out one of Ms. Goldenberg's walls:

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

TechKNOWLEDGEy Tips: ThingLink

Check out this week's tech tip over ThingLink:

What could you do with this? Click on the picture for ideas.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Going Google (Without Going Crazy) - Vol. 8

Click on the picture to go to this week's installment of Going Google (Without Going Crazy) to learn three quick steps to use in your Google Apps Account.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

TechKNOWLEDGEy Tips: Evernote

Check out this week's Tech Tool: Evernote. Click on the picture for more information.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Getting I.T. Right @ CeVMS!: Gaming in 7th grade ELA

Ms. Dugan's and Ms. Costa's 7th Grade ELA classes visited the computer labs to complete their how-to assignments. While here, students were instructed to create an educational game for one of their core subject areas. They had to research to find questions that were appropriate to the subject area, different game techniques, and board designs. Then, as a team, they had to design an electronic instruction sheet for their newly created game using Prezi, PowerPoint, ReadWriteThink's Printing Press, or Smore. The real test of their skills as game designers and technical writers came as the groups rotated through the each others' games and used the electronic versions of the instruction sheet to learn how to play the game. If the instructions for the game were well-written, the teams then had time to learn a little in each of the content areas.

Insider's tip: The teachers had students turn in their electronic products using a digital drop box like the one seen here. This makes it really easy for the teacher to capture all of the project URLs in one location--it's even sort-able!

Check out their process below:
Researching the time period to create the game in a subject area

Designing the Instructions using Prezi

Designing the online instructions with Smore

Finalizing the instructions for the game Waropoly

Playing the game using the provided instructions

Playing the game in class--Look at those props for the game Word Nerds!

A finished instructions product using ReadWriteThink's Printing Press

Referencing the printed version of the instructions to play the game during class.

TechKNOWLEDGEy Tips: RecordMP3

Click on the picture to go to the Smore

Check out this week's Tech Tool.

This gives you an online option for voice recording.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Going Google (Without Going Crazy) - Vol 7

Check out this week's version of Going Google. It includes a great search tip regarding images (did you ever wonder where one came from???), a tip about a mail-merge script for Google Docs, and a Chrome extension for an in-browser clock--with reminders!!

Remember, there are lots of quick videos to help you with Google located at the RRISD Google Training Site.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

TechKNOWLEDGEy Tips: edcanvas

Click on the picture to go to the Smore flyer for more information about this technology tool.

Here's a canvas that I created for you to see how it looks embedded in a site:

One of the great things about this platform--you can sign in with your Google account! You can put all sorts of information in a canvas with very little effort--notice the icons in the circles. It works great as an organizational tool, a presentation tool, a flipped classroom tool--the possibilities are endless!

Please ask if you want a special session with your horizontal, team or department group.